Thursday 9 July 2009

All to Play For

The weather is overcast but no matter. There were only 11 of us for the language exchange but it went well and was lots of fun. Jean Louis was well oiled yesterday so there was no surprise that the bar wasn't open when we went up for our glass of wine and tapas but no matter.... it's we who lay on the food anyway so I just went home and fetched the box of white and rosé and hey ho a cheap alternative! Necessity is the mother and all that.
This afternoon Martine, Martine and I went down to the local casino to solicite a prize for the photo competition we plan to run for International Women's Day next year. The chef is what is called a "Toque Blanche" and without any hesitation he was ready to donate a meal for two and his recently published cookery book. He might even do a cookery workshop for us later in the year. A "toque blanche" is the hat worn by chefs dating from 16th century (or according to some a lot earlier) and is said to have 100 pleats to signify the number of ways that any chef worth his/her salt could cook an egg. In France nowadays it is awarded for culinary excellence. All in all we were well pleased with ourselves and there's another restaurant to try out.

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