Saturday 18 July 2009

Sardanes and Sardines

The market was very busy this morning as a huge sardane competition was on all weekend with groups from all over Catalunya north and south taking part. Spent most of the afternoon making chutney and stewing plums for the freezer. Well, what else can you do when you're given about 15kg of fruit? During this time Christian was following every shot of the British open from Turnberry. What a feast for the eyes we've had of late what with views of the Ailsa Craig this week, the Scottish Open from Loch Lomand last weekand the Tour de France which seems to go on for ever. In the evening there were grilled sardines on offer before the disco but we gave both a miss opting to stay home and watch the telly. Tomorrow evening promises to be more lively so it doesn't hurt to take it easy now and again.

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