Tuesday 7 July 2009

Lenny the Legend

A lovely surprise in the post ... the dvd of Lenny's last concert in London. Christian and I had missed this bit of the tribute to him that had been recently shown on TV. Eddie too is a fan and while he was here we went on about him and sang along to his songs. Suzanne, even though Lenny wrote a song to her namesake was not inspired .... so, it will have been Eddie that put in the order to Amazon. We haven't had chance yet to see it all but so far it's just great. Nearly 75 and his voice hasn't changed and his lyrics belie his sense of humour. Now we have the dvd we don't have to regret not getting to his concert on the Costa Brava in August. Over £100/ticket is a bit much for two pensioners like ourselves! The man is a real poet...... "Everybody knows".

This evening we were invited to Jean and Françoise's for an apéritif dinatoire in the garden. It was a right international affair with French, British, Colombian, Austrian and American friends.

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