Wednesday 22 July 2009

Great Outdoors

Heather and Andrew stopped over last night on their way to a holiday rental not far from Carcassonne but they didn't arrive until 12.45am. Was a shame as there wasn't really any time to catch up with 10 year's worth of news. This morning was all a bit of a rush as we were due to leave with Michelle, Jean-Jacques, Alain, Joëlle et Michel for a picnic at 10.30am so once again, no time to chat. Maybe they'll come back before the next 10 years are up.
The barbeque didn't take too long to cook so no sooner did we arrive than we could break out the apéritifs. After lunch I went for a walk with my caveman friends while the others slept or tanned. The scenery in the Haut Vallespir was superb and after the really hot weather we've been having caused by the wind blowing from North Africa a drop of a few degrees was welcome.
In the evening we again ate al fresco but this time on Lone and Jesper's terrace. Richard and Linde came too. Inevitably we talked politics but we also had some fun trying to think of what we knew about Austria and Denmark; one thing I didn't know was that the population of Denmark is only about 5m and to think they invaded Britain all those centuries ago.

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