Monday 27 July 2009

Four Days of Fun

Just when we thought our stomachs could take a break, Di invited us around for an apéritif (or several). Of course, Bruce was there as was Maggie and Ellie. Drank lots of cava, more than was good for me but tomorrow is another day .....


Today is the 3rd and last day of the Festa Major and Catalan traditions took centre stage. Sardane in the morning (the wise ones sought out the shade) and early evening and a concert given by Albert Bueno, Catalan singer/song writer) around 9pm. Despite our good intentions to give the meal of squid rings and chips a miss, we were inveigled into joining a table of Christian's colleagues. He never could rsist a plate of chips! The evening finished with more dancing, tired feet and eyes.

The market was just heaving with people and we didn't have the energy to enter the fray, settling instead for a coffee at our usual haunt; At lunch time we beat a path once more to Joséphine's to help eat up the left-overs from last night. Juste once again cooked the barbeque, there were more cocktails but no music. and that's not all, folks ...... in the evening we joined the Association (27 of us all together) for a meal of pork and peppers at the village "Festa Major". Lasted until about midnight then we went up to the bar to catch up with Izzy, Irene and Kelvin.
The time finally arrived to see if all the preparation for the inauguration of the new mairie had paid off. The Secreatary of State didn't make it after all but the MP did along with a whole clutch of local mayors. The sun split the sky as we listened to the speeches then the sardane was danced before a very nice apéritif. Christian joined those and such as those for lunch while I went home for a sandwich. In the evening we took ourselves off to Joséphine's where we celebrated Joëlle's birthday. Maurice and Rosie provided some music while we sipped a cava cocktail and Juste cooked the barbeque.

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