Monday 3 August 2009

As you slide down the Bannister of Life ...

.... let's hope that the splinters are pointing the other way was the message on the card from Linde. The day started early with a call from Mum who reminded me that I wouldn't be 60 until 12.30pm. I also found out that it was lovely sunny day which was a really pleasing thought. Well, it makes up for the Wednesday's child saying! There were cards, flowers and presents, an Association meeting followed by a glass of wine at the bar, Christian at the Mairie and his surgery in the evening up in the mountains. By chance the Mayor, his wife and two others arrived so they joined us at Robert and Francine's where we'd been invited for an apéritif before eating at the Auberge. To my surprise Christian had organised a cake and champagne and I even had enough puff to blow out the 6 candles! It was a day with no razamataz or fuss but a good day none the less. Now we just need to organise a larger "do" in September when there is less going on.

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