Saturday 22 August 2009

No Fasting Here

Ramadan started today and you can only have sympathy for those who have to work a long day in the heat that we're experiencing at the moment. At times like this it's better to be where the weather is cool and the days are short. We met Jean at the bar and learnt that Linde and Françoise were off up in the mountains collecting cow pats! Linde has been disappointed with the results (or lack of them) that the horse manure has produced and is convinced that the garden will do better from cows. After the market it was a trip to the local auberge for lunch which wasn't all together wise as we were invited out to a curry evening. Great food and drink, musical entertainment from the "Sisters" followed by more serious singing from the chorale in which Jo sings. Oh there's nothing like a good curry with all the bits and pieces that go with it. Surprisingly the French, who normally shy away from spicy food tucked in with gusto but we are in France and there was a cheese board for the diehards. There were about 120 of us and we could only marvel at the organisation of it all.

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