Tuesday 11 August 2009

Purely Political Sentence

That's what Gordon Brown said of the 18 month sentence passed down on Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma/Myanmar today. Her house arrest ended on 27th May and here she is again in the same situation. She's already spent 14 of the last 20 years deprived of her liberty. Could have been worse I suppose, they overrode the 3 years hard labour given by the court!The widespread belief is that the Junta needed her out of the way for the 2010 "free and fair" elections. The question is also being asked about the American man who swam over to her house where he was received thus causing her to break the law. As he's done hard labour there himself, would he put her at such risk intentionally? Apparently our President has called for new sanctions ... do you think that will include Total? I've just read the Communiqué from the 'Elysée " ... je demande à l'Union européenne de réagir rapidement par l'adoption de nouvelles sanctions dirigées contre le régime birman, qui doivent viser tout particulièrement les ressources dont il profite directement dans le domaine de l'exploitation du bois et des rubis" and lo and behold he is refering to "wood and rubies".

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