Sunday 9 August 2009

Split Shift

The weather forecast was for thunderstorms but our early start for the village that is our transborder "twin" was under bright sunshine. This charming village with it's 13th century church, pretty Plaça Major, stone houses and couple of small cafés played host to its first market where craft items and local produce were on sale. Our village was well represented both behind and in front of the stalls as well as providing some musical entertainment. The local mairie laid on tapas which were a meal in themselves in the bar so by the time it came to go for our lunch no one had the space for an entrée. Sangria and olives were offered by the restaurant as was a Crema Catalana liquer at the end. In between, the 23 of us laughed, talked and danced as the skies opened and the rain came down in torrents.
Back home over the mountains and there was just time for a cuppa for me and 40 winks for Christian before we made our way over to Juste and Joséphine's for a musical soirée in honour of her wee brother, Nico who was visiting. Jean played Catalan music, Nico played Brassens, Michel played Blues and Marie gave a salsa and belly dancing display. There were around 30 of us all together and we kept going until around 1.30am. Joséphine's cocktail was on the menu again and my resolve not to drink went straight out of the window! Ah well, tomorrow is another day and we've nothing planned until Wednesday.

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