Wednesday 19 August 2009

Happy Tourists

A leisurely breakfast on the terrace and then off we set to have a look around. Fortunately none of us needs to rush off and see everything in the guide book and thank goodness for the air conditioning in the car. First port of call was St Céré where the market was on and aftrer a stroll around we sought shade and a coffee then it was onto Autoire classified as one of the prettiest villages in France (there are hundreds of them before you get too excited) but it certainly merited it's title. Lunched on crêpes on a shady terrace. Flagging a bit in the afternoon we decided to make a small detour to look at the Château de Castelnou de Bretoneux before going back to the hotel for a siesta. This was the hardest and hottest bit of the day, 38° and an uphill walk and some of us fell by the wayside prefering to stop off at the café! No names, no pack drill ..
Abandoned the idea of going out visiting after our snooze in favour of just going up to the local cave to buy some of the wine we found so pleasant in the restaurant. Hope there won't be shades of retsina! Who remembers drinking it and enjoying it in Greece only to find at home it had lost all its "charm" if that is the right word, back home??

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