Friday 21 August 2009

Gate Crasher

The weather reports talk of a drop in temperature but here thermometers are registering over 34°. Still there's more to life than the weather... the news is full of the Athletics in Berlin and the "is she or isn't she a man" saga. The whole circus must be just too awful for an 18 year old to bear. The controversy isn't just about her physique but that apparently this young South African woman has appeared on the scene from nowhere. No track record so to speak. Just as intriguing is the report that the guy who swam to Aung San Suu Kyi's home has had his sentence squashed and has returned to the States. While I'm pleased for him that he's not doing his sentence, it adds to the scepticism about the whole affair. Much more amusing is the latest global internet phenomenon - Crasher the Squirrel who keeps popping up on peoples' holiday snaps. Looking at some of the sites on the net we're obviously a week behind everyone else here but the photo I saw of him perched on the Queen's head is kinda cute. Haven't been able to work out how to do it though so you'll have to make do with the wee fella on his own.

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