Wednesday 26 August 2009

No, No and No

In UK hospitals there are signs which say "no parking", " no mobile phones", "no more than 3 visitors at a time" but I saw on a report from Kandahar this morning the signs there say "no weapons". My first reaction was the same as when I first went to Birmingham and saw signs on the buses saying "no spitting" but on second thoughts maybe hospitals in the West could do with giving the same meassge. Certainly sounds as if London football clubs need to do so if last night's Millwall v West Ham "match" is anything to go by.
This evening was busy with an invitation to an apéritif organised in one of the neighbouring streets and then to Jacques and Yaneth's for a meal with them, Carles, Felicia and their children. A meal out tomorrow night, friends at ours on Friday; roll on the weekend when there is nothing arranged! still it's all good fun if you don't weaken.

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