Tuesday 8 June 2010

'Ear, 'Ear!

A quick trip to our local clinic this morning and I can hear again. Thank goodness! It was so tiring having to strain to hear. I must now try and be more patient with my Mum...
Nick and Lizzie gave me a lift down to Banyuls to see Christian who as you can see is in good form and now able to do five circuits in an hour on his early morning walk. He's done really well as when he started he could only do three. The photo was taken on the balcony outside his room. Not bad, eh?
Home in time to get organised to join Anne, Terry and Barbara chez Trevor and Judith. Drinks on the terrace in the evening sunshine followed by a delicious meal of salmon. It will be difficult to go back to cooking and eating regular meals ... perhaps Christian can be persuaded to have a go from time to time. He always used to cook the main course in Scotland when people came for dinner and very good it was too. I hope that when he reads this he'll be flattered enough to head for the cookery books.

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