Sunday 6 June 2010

Weekend Pass

Once more with Christian at home for the weekend, we spent the time quietly enough with just a trip to the market and a coffee in the bar being the highlights of Friday and Saturday. Sunday it was time to once again for us to don the mantle of public responsibility. Went down to the recreation ground to see the Association's Fun Rally off and then it was off up to the other village for a 'D' day commemoration. Typically after a week of very hot weather, it rained but the old soldiers weren't deterred. With many of the regulars being in Normandy for the twinning exchange which of course included visits to the beaches, we were few on the ground. We stayed on to eat at the restaurant to represent the Mairie at a meal with veterans' association. Veal rather than duck was on the menu and every other word was "pardon." With my blocked ear I fitted right in with all the others who were hard of hearing. The differnce being that I hope to have my problem sorted out at the clinic on Tuesday.
Like the good wee trooper that he is, Christian left for Banyuls without complaint and I settled down to watch some of the tv awards (fewer channels = less choice). I didn't realise that so many personalities had died over this last year; Danny Larue and Brian Barron to name just a couple. Julie Walter's quite rightly won an award for her portrail of Mo Molem but I'm not sure of the one to Simon Cowel for his contribution to entertainment but what do I know? I guess all those people who vote for the likes of Susan Boyle would disagree with me ...

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