Sunday 20 June 2010

Weekend Off

On the physio's recommendation, there's been no walking this weekend. We went to the market of course and on Saturday evening we joined Di and Barbara at Maggie and Trevor's for dinner.
Today, the sun has at last been shining but the Tramontane has been gusting strongly. A bit of a shame really as there was a craft and produce market with stall holders from North and South Catalunya. There was couscous for lunch which was delicious, a group of English singers and entertainment for the kids. The photo shows the Maire and his counterpart from over the border inaugurating the fair.The ribbon in the Catalan colours is traditionally cut into small pieces to give to people for good luck. We should be alright as we both got a bit!
Eddie and Suzanne arrive this evening and let's hope that the ride won't be too bumpy.

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