Monday 21 June 2010

Sporting Life

Eddie and Suzanne arrived safe and sound last night and quite courageously joined in with the Association's boules challenge. The Tramontane was still blowing but we found a sheltered spot to play and BBQ. Much to everyone's surprise, especially ours, Eddie and I found ourselves in the final. Sadly after leading 8 points to 2, we lost 13-11. I swear Eddie has played before. It's probably just as well that we lost ... well, how much of a beating can French pride take at the moment? there was a lot of discussion over lunch about the antics of the French team with Anelka being sent home in disgrace over insulting the coach and the ensuing refusal of the team to train. The Health and Sports minister, a rather over weight woman, gave them a good talking to so let's see if it has any effect tomorrow when they play South Africa.
This evening there was music in celebration of National Music Day in the square and at Jean's house where Michen was also playing. Our guests were sadly all done in and stayed home to watch Wimbledon ... yes, it's that time of year again.

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