Wednesday 30 June 2010

Spreading the Word

Another early start, breakfast on the terrace and then around to a friend's with a local photographer who was taking photos of her paintings to use on a poster.As they were all under glass, this proved to be very difficult. From there Christian went to pick up his 2nd pair of specs (for 1€) and I went for a bit of beauty treatment. There was just time to have a glass of rosé together before we went our separate ways for lunch; Christian back to the auberge in the village and me into the square for lunch with Barbara, Jill and Yolande. The latter two are hopning to set up an Association similar to ours in their village. It was the first time that I'd eaten in the restaurant and the location with it's view of the fountain was reflected in the price. Barbara and I both thought 20€ was over the top but as we were being treated, we couldn't say anything about it.

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