Monday 7 June 2010

Retail Therapy

This morning I dug deep into my purse to find 1€ for the bus to Perpignan for the long promised day out with Jany and Joëlle. What a pleasure it is to have such a good deal! Of course we started off with a coffee in one of the cafés along the Quai Vauban and then went in search of a bargain or two. We all managed to find something to our liking and went to the Café Vienne for lunch feeling well pleased with ourselves. The afternoon was less productive but easier therefore on the plastic. Finished off the day once more on the Quai Vauban for a tea and a last natter before returning to the bus station for the homeward trip. After a copious salad at lunch time there will be no need to forage in the fridge this evening thus leaving me free to put my overworked feet up!

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