Monday 31 January 2011

Fit for a King!

30th - 31st January Sunday night 7 of us gathered to eat this 6kg leg of wild boar that Maggie had given us. Juste and Joséphine, Michel, Sylviane and Daniel tackled the beast with great gusto. Slow roasted, studded with garlic and cloves it was delicious; very tender and without an ounce of fat. I was really pleased to get it to the table with such good results. Henry VIII would have been proud of me and so was Christian.
Of course we couldn't finish it all, so Monday I had to set to and deal with the left overs. There is now enough meat in the freezer to generously feed at least 10 more people and three lots of stock for soup. those of you who know me well, know that I don't like waste so I offered the leg bone to Maggie for her dogs but apparently she only gives them marrow bones. Now why do I think that you should be interested to know that?
Otherwise Christian found his way back to the Mairie and I played with my "Dropbox", a magic new programme I've installed on my computer which shares files between different apparatus. We did have tea together, a ritual that is sancrosact, so you'll be glad to know that we are sometimes in the same place at the same time.

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