Thursday 20 January 2011

Too Much Association

15th January:
Another Saturday and another trip to the market where we met up with Bridget and Hortense to talk about enlisting Hortense's help at the English workshop. Then decided to support our local bar by having lunch there.
16th January:
Sunday we were invited to have tea (which ran into apéritifs)at Nicole and patrick's where the main topic of conversation was the Association trip to Scotland later this year.
17th January:
Today is meant to be the unhappiest day of the year so perhaps that explains why I've been feeling a bit glum; well that and I suppose niggling worries about Christian's underactive heart. A meeting with Carmen to talk about the Association's need for storage space was cancelled but Nancy did call in for tea and a catch up before she heads back to the States.
Given all that has kicked off in Tunisia and the spat of young people setting fire to themselves, it's time to resurrect some positive thinking.
18th January:
Visit to the aneathestist in preparation for Christian's admission.
19th January:
Met with Nick about the Association website which we've decided to radically overhaul.
20th January:
Committee meeting, drink at the bar and a meeting with another association about a variety show that we hope to jointly organise for Europe Day in May.
Sorry, there's not even an image to cheer up this catalogue of daily doings!

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