Thursday 13 January 2011

Cullen What?

Went to the weekly Association committee meeeting this morning but instead of staying on for the language exchange, I went home to prepare lunch. Well, it's such a novelty to have things in the fridge! Christian and I went back to the bar later to meet up with the others and have a glass of wine. Quite like old times especially as Nancy dropped by. Continued cooking in the afternoon and made some Cullen Skink, a creamy Scottish soup made from smoked haddock and potatoes. It was my contribution to dinner at Michel's. Jeanine, the mayor's wife, brought a huge amount of foie gras for an apéritif and Michel 's main course was a dish of cold rabbit, chicken and I think pork, surrounded by jelly and served with chips. Despite the sound of it and its unpronouncible name, it was very tasty. Thank goodness the dessert was light and there was no cheese as we'd already had at least a week's worth of calories.

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