Tuesday 25 January 2011

No Haggis for Him

Nice way to spend Burn's day.I've just heard that Christian will be going to theatre at 10.30am. Fingers crossed.
Went on the bus to Perpignan, passing through the brand new TGV station, and found no sign of Christian in his room. Apparently the theatre list was running late. Tried to study some basic Spanish grammar but nothing much was sinking in. So, what's new? Eventually, Christian appeared at 3pm and though tired was in pretty good shape and of course, not having eaten since 6.30pm the night before, he was very hungry. 3 times we asked for him to have a snack and it eventually arrived at 5.45pm about half an hour before dinner arrived which, by the way was another anaemic chicken leg. Maggie came to pick me up later on and once home, I spent the evening watching tv and wondering how Christian was doing.

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