Sunday 1 July 2012

Curry Night

Not in the best shape today but there was no time for slacking as Michel, Sylvie and Alain were coming for a curry.It seemed to take for ever to prepare even though the Lamb Patia (Shish Mahal cookery book)was already in the freezer along with the mango ice cream that Christian had made.
Also on the menu:
Pakora (sadly a pale shadow of the real thing as I was out of chickpea flour and they were done in the oven rather than fried), chilled pea,mint and yoghurt soup, raita and poppadoms.
Creamy Aubergines, Chickpeas cooked in tea (Madhur Jaffrey)and of course there was lots of fresh coriander everywhere.
Alain was glued in front of the tv watching Spain play Italy in the European Cup and was over the moon when his team, Spain won 4.0.That's one down and two to go (Wimbledon and the Tour de France) before normality returns to the schedules.
Oh, and we finally had a bit of rain during the day and the temperature has dropped.

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