Thursday 5 July 2012

Our Turn

As usual, the association this morning followed by a glass of rosé at the bar afterwards. The afternoon was spent preparing a chilled soup (made up from what I had in the fridge)and lots of bits and pieces for an apéritif dinatoire this evening.For dessert, I made a killer chocolate fridge cake that uses mars bars. Normally it is made with rice crispies but as I didn't have any, I used the last of the chocolate museli left from Mary's visit and some biscuits that were in the cupboard. You can find several recipes for it via google including one from Nigella; mine came from one of those lovely cheap and colourful Australian Women's Weekly cookbooks. While looking on the net, I came across "Rupert's Kitchen",food blog at and it looks to have some interesting stuff on it so you might like to have a look.
Believe it or not, there was even some of the cake left over so that will go well after lunch with a cup of mint tea in the next few days to come.

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