Monday 23 July 2012

Duty Calls

While we were happily enjoying ourselves yesterday, forest fires broke out (it's thought as a result of a dropped cigarette end)just over the border with catastrophic results. Fire crew from over the south of France were mobilised to come to the aid of the Spanish authorities and 50 or so "pompiers" were stationed on alert in the other village of our commune in case the wind changed direction. 14,000 hectres were destroyed and 4 lives were lost.
In the village the Mairie opened up the foyer where Christian and I did a shift in case there were any evacuees. Fortunately it didn't come to that but arrangements had to be made to feed our fire crew (who ate on the job)and to welcome resting firecrew. At one point an ash cloud came down over the village which left a smell of burning in your nostrils. The BBC have footage on their website

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