Friday 13 July 2012

Automatic Pilot

Today, it was time for Elsa to have a bit of a history lesson so we drove our usual "Retirada" circuit up into the mountains, stopping off at significant spots to explain about the Catalan culture and the Spanish Civil War. Ended up at the lake in Darnius and then our favourite restaurant. We contented ourselves with the "menu del día" while Elsa went for the most expensive meal and dessert that she could find!
Once back home, it was time to prepare for the arrival of our Ukrainian visitors who are part of a folk group touring France. There were 6 in the group + their manager to feed and accomodate - we took two charming young women and in return had free tickets to the concert in return. Juste and Joséphine also had two staying with them so we combined forces and all ate at ours.
The concert was just wonderful .... beautiful voices and haunting music played on the 65 string "bandura". Afterwards it was all back to ours for a nightcap. Sadly for Natalia and Nasdia, there was no nightlife at all to be found in the village at 1am, so there night away from the beady eyes of their manager didn't come to much!

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