Sunday 8 July 2012

Playing Papy et Mamie!

Yesterday was fairly quiet with only a leisurely trip to the market in the morning, women's wimbledon finals in the afternoon and a trip at the end of the day over the border to collect our new computer tower. As it is the first day of the French school holidays, we had feared that there would be traffic jams but there weren't. Continued in a lazy vein and gave the first open air disco of the season a miss though we did drift off to sleep to the sounds of Queen coming through the open windows.
This afternoon, Elsa arrived at Perpignan Station from Paris. Dali called it "le centre du monde" and the new TGV station to which it is joined is called 'el centre del món".... bah humbug! It took me 10 minutes to find the toilets in the attached shopping mall (where there's a C & A, by the way) but they were closed and then when I traipsed across to the old station I had to pay 50c (about 30p) for the priviledge of having a pee!We also went to have a coffee but as only one of us was buying something we were asked to leave! Welcome to Perpignan.... is it any wonder we hardly go there.
Anyway, Elsa arrived safe and sound if 30 minutes late, having paid nearly a fiver for a sandwich. Same the world over, aint it?
Once we dropped off the baggage and had a free pee, we went to Maggie's who'd invited us to lunch. It was by now 4pm but as it had been a buffet, there was plenty left over and we were able to catch up with the rest. Men's finals were on so as there were a couple of Scots and an enthusiastic Welsh tennis player in our midst, there were half the folk watching the tv and the others either in the pool or in the shade chatting and tucking into cheesecake and then there were those who went for a snooze..
Came home around 6pm and watched the sad end of the tennis ... talk about not a dry hankie to be seen.

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