Wednesday 11 July 2012

So Far So Good

9th July
Thanks to David, Laura and Martine, Elsa had a day's kyaking on the Costa Brava which left Christian to go to his second home across the road and me time to catch up with the blog, do some ironing and prepare skate wings for dinner from a Rick Stein recipe which I served warm rather than cold.
Oh yes, and we did manage to fit in a glass of rosé at the bar.
10th July
Had a tapas lunch at the wine bar and then in the afternoon went into the town for a coffee and then to see how Benoît's house was progressing.
11th July
Set the alarm, dusted off the walking shoes, prepared a picnic and set off for a "rando" with one of the other associations in the village. if it hadn't have been for Elsa, I would have been doing something less energetic but it was a lovely day, the walk wasn't difficult, the views along the way were superb and lunch at the end there were apéritifs, tablecloths and plenty of good things to share was good fun. Christian, poor soul was left to fend for himself.

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