Friday 6 July 2012

Three in a Row

Joséphine at our house this morning to sort something out with Christian and then when he went off to the Mairie we toddled over to the bar for a coffee. Weak willed that I am i couldn't say "no" to the croissant that Joséphine went and bought at the bakers. Feeling in a holiday mood we decided that the four of us should eat at the restaurant. Needless to say, a siesta was the order of the day afterwards for a least three out of the four.
Around teatime, Daniel and Sylviane, Michel's cousins from up north arrived on a huge BMW motorbike which we were lodging overnight in our garage.Then it was a quick change and off to the latest vernissage. There was mand an apéritif afterwards and for one, we didn't buy anything ... not because there weren't some nice paintings but because they were a bit out of our price range.
Next stop was at Michel's where we were joined by Sylvian and Anita for supper accompanied by Michel on the guitar and so ended another busy day in retirementland.

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