Wednesday 17 April 2013

Farewell Angleterre

Our last day in Bournemouth and Bob and Chris took us out for coffee to a hotel overlooking the sea where a chain ferry operates. It was a smart place but for the second time in three days, the coffee machine made a terrible deafening noise. Oh dear, is this a sign of the heavy footsteps of declining faculties approaching? Anyway, to get back to something more pleasant, we positioned ourselves by the large bay windows and looked out on the ferry working away, the seagulls following a lobster fisherman, the RNLI, the Special Boat Service and the Police coming in at speed from doing whatever.
Our flight wasn't until 9pm so we had a quick meal of pizza and salad before driving  out to the airport to first of all, hand back the car without a scratch. The fight again left early and it was about 1.30am by the time we got to bed. Oh, and what a pleasure it was to arrive to temperatures of 15°  at midnight. There's no place like home, is there?

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