Sunday 14 April 2013

Picturesque Dorset

Another good breakfast; this time we went for smoked haddock and poached eggs and my goodness, it was absolutely delicious. No doubt any French readers might find this a strange thing to eat for breakfast but there again, I find their custom of eating cake strange too. Had a bit of a walk around and took a few photos of historic buildings while Christian stayed in and read the papers. Normally, we should have vacated our room by 11am but as there were no other guests expected, Marylyn said we could stay on as long as we liked. She really was extremely kind and welcoming and seemed to enjoy doing B&B unlike some we've had experience of. Having had a good walk I was ready for a pub lunch and we chose to stop off at this one simply because we liked the name. Typically, for Sunday lunch, a cavery was on offer, so, roast beef, Yorkshire pud and horseradish sauce it was.
As Julie, Bob and Chris's other daughter and the boys were back off home, so, we took possession of the vacated bedroom and moved in for the next three nights.

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