Wednesday 3 April 2013

Steady As She goes

Lovely sunshine for most of the day yesterday but apparently it won't see the week out. Once he was back from taking the wee car to have some body work done, Christian put in more hours than usual at the Mairie. There in the morning and then again for a meeting in the afternoon and again in the evening.
On the news front, the socialist party is in shock after the Minister for the Budget finally came clean about an undeclared  overseas account which for 4 months he's been denying. Hollande's governement is looking weaker and weaker. A public image lacking authority.
Dinner with a Russian theme at Michel's this evening started at 9pm, once Sylvie was home from work and the 3 councillors and the Mayor back from their meeting. Not a word about cheating politicians was mentioned.
Christian only went to the Mairie this morning so this afternoon we went down to Port Vendres to get some fresh air. While hanging around the harbour, this fishing boat came out of dry dock and went into the water. Christian found the whole process fascinating. A stroll and a cuppa served by an unsmiling waitress followed as the sky became more and more cloudy.

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