Saturday 13 April 2013

The Secret's Out

Started the day with an excellent breakfast ... a full English. Had a bit of time to look around but sadly, it was pourring with rain. Then came the purpose of our visit, Bob's 80th birthday lunch in the "Guildhall Tavern". Poor old Bob, who thought he was going for a curry, found himself in a French owned restaurant surrounded by about 20 people. He'd already had a surprise the day before his birthday when his daughter and her family arrived from Australia and on the actual day and the day after when friends and neighbours came in. But as they say, it's not all over until the fat lady sings!
Everyone went back to the house for cake and lots of bubbles and Bob did a great job of keeping going. He really is amazing for his age. We took a taxi back to the B & B, went to bed and slept until breakfast time.

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