Tuesday 16 April 2013

Memory Lane

At last some sunshine and we were able to appreciate the Dorsetshire countryside in all its splendour as we drove out to the end of the "World's End" (another pub) to meet Mary and Andy. Mary is a friend from school days and it's several years since we've seen each other. We all enjoyed a pleasant lunch in this typical inn and chatted away non-stop. Andy and Christian put up with our chatter with very good grace. On leaving, we realised that in 2015 we'll have known each other for 50 years, so we'll definitely need to organise a reunion for then. What a thought ... all the water that's flowed under the bridge since then but those few years when we were still in school uniform certainly provided their fair share of stories. I'm sure that people who know us now as staid pensioners would have a few surprises!

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