Tuesday 30 July 2013

Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs

This last couple of days I've been doing a lot of association "housekeeping" so that all will be in order when I step down from the committee. There's something soothing about making lists and being methodical for obsessive types like me.
Christian had a Council meeting this evening after which we'd invited friends to join us for a salad on the terrace. As he was on his own for the evening, Christian invited the Mayor too thus making it me and 7 blokes around the table. You can see from the photo that none of them are of small stature, perhaps apart from Tristan and well, Snow White ... moi .... I think not!
The last to leave went after 2am and if the enjoyment level is commensurate with the number of empty bottles ... a good time was had by all!

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