Sunday 23 August 2015

Music all the Way

Of course, there was coffee in the morning. Spent a pleasant couple of hours with Nicole, Martine and others. Then at 5pm came an absolutely superb concert given by Sine Nomine in the church; the power and quality of the voices, the breath control, the enthusiasm was just magic and so uplifting.
On leaving the church, they then set up in the square, changed genre and sang some Cole Porter. A sheer delight and we didn't even have to leave the village to find such quality. You'll know that I usually avoid church music but this has made me think that I need to separate the music from the establishment and find out what I've been missing.
Saying "no" twice to invitations to join people at the bar to eat, I made my way over to Nancy's to meet up with Jean-Jacques, Yaneth, Lisa, Jacques and Florence for dinner. Florence, whose family is originally from the village lives in Florida and comes ever year for about a month so it was an international table with the States, Catalunya, France, Columbia and UK being represented.
We all drifted down to the bar afterwards to catch the last hour of 60's and 70's live music at the bar and have a nightcap. Hot chocolate for me. yes, you can believe your eyes.
The rain forecast didn't arrive. Had sun and cloud instead

This is more like it; more of interest going on around and about. Started today with a trip to the market where I lingered in front of the museum to listen to a choir of real quality. As it happens it was a British choir that comes together 3/4 times a year and does an overseas tour every other year. Tomorrow night they're due to sing in the village church. At the same time I joined Deanne, Marylyn and Neville for a coffee before heading off to the library for a change of musical gear.
Michel's rock group was performing, so obviously, it was important to go along and support them. Not that it was any hardship. A quick trip to the supermarket (well, a body has to eat at home from time to time) with Annette and Nancy.
The afternoon was spent quietly enough before more music at the recreation ground. The Pyrenean polyphonia who were in the village a couple of years ago were back but sadly they didn't live up to expectations. The leader gave a blow by blow account of their history and 16 year tour of Europe. He was worse than I can be! The quality of the singing wasn't as good as I'd remembered either which was explained by one of the singers saying that the best of the choir had stayed home and they were the "second eleven".
Françoise, Jeanaeu and Kathy spent the evening with me so I was disppointed for them too. The meal at 20€ without wine wasn't good value either but you win some, you lose some.
Sunny, some rain in the afternoon with an enormous clap of thunder, windy in the evening.

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