Friday 21 August 2015

Not Worth the Wait!

Couldn't put it off any longer; so even though I wasn't back to 100%, I walked down to the local garage over a mile away to talk about an MOT and repairing the window on the car so that we can sell it. All seems complicated so I'm not really looking forward to negotiating my way through. The walk was no pleaure as it's a busy road but I did get a lift back to the village with a gut who'd just delivered some spare parts. Stopped off for a coffee at the bar and was soon joined by Nancy, Colin and Lynn.
After watching some tv, I talked Rowena through setting up the ipod that I'd given her and much to both of our surprises, we've done it. Just leaves the ibooks to sort.
This evening the sardane association organised an event at the recreation ground with a good "cobla" (group of sardane musicians) but sadly it wasn't that well attended. I think people are running out of steam or money, probably both. Left after the raffle was drawn. Of course, I didn't win anything but funnily enough the local butcher won the painting that his wife had donated! Came back up to the bar with Terry and Ann and believe it or believe it or not, my tipple of choice was hot milk! Desperate days, eh?
Here's where I have to say "sorry for this uninteresting post" to Liz who emailed me when she saw the blog was 10 days behind, asking if all was alright . Sadly it's not been because I've been too busy having a whale of a time. It's been such a non week that I couldn't rouse myself into action. To make matters worse, there are next to no photos to liven it up! Sorry folks.
29° Sunshine and cloud

Gave the language exchange a miss, feeling weary but did manage to get myself to the bar. Only drank a bitter lemon so you can imagine I wasn't on top form. I met up Jean-Jacques as well as Jacques, Yaneth and Lisa who are back in France after living in Colombia I even said "no" to joining them for lunch at the bar. Siesta'd a bit then defrosted the fridge so I had something to show for the day. Passed on a trip into town to listen to jazz with Colin and Lynn this evening settling instead for an early night. Everything catches up eventually, as people have long been telling me.
31° Sunny

Hastily made a dessert to take to Jean and Françoise's for lunch where were joined by Mairie-Andrée who has an exhibition on in the town. as you all know there's no such thing as a free lunch as we're being roped in to provide some entertainment at Thérèse's forthcoming wedding in Septemer. We have to dress (more or less) like Becassine, a Breton cartoon character from ways back who you're unlikely to have heard of. Click on the link if you're interested to know what's being asked of us
Went in on the bus and camr back with Maggie who had an appt in the town. Stpeed off at hers to see if I could help sort her new tv installation. False hope but we did get time for a chat, a cuppa and to discuss the forthcoming MacMillan ( + French cancer charity) fundraiser in September.
26° Sun and cloud

Coffee with Ann and Lynn at the bar.
24°, feeling cooler with rain on and off

Apart from Michel coming to continue with the computer, nothing to report her.
28° Sun,  clouding over with a short rain shower

What a creature of habit am I. Sunday morning and as usual I toddled over to the bar for coffee and met up with Nancy. we inger long, chatted to all and sundry then moved on to the rosé. how could I resist when Nancy suggested that we stay for lunch at the bar We started off reasonably with salads bur at the last hurdle succumbed to chocolate mousse.
The eating wasn't over however as in the evening I was invited along with Kathy to Linde's for a bbq. Magret canard, a whole one at that for each of us, was on the menu and didn;t it go down well with the grilled aubrgines and courgettes. There was a moment of panic for Linde when Katthy stoked up the flames but there was no need to worry as all was under control.
Funnily enough, Kathy said she'd dreamt the night before that I'd become mayor of Maureillas! I'm sure if I get the women's group that I'm thinking of up and running, as the 2018 elections approach, something more will be read into it but that's a long way off.
Cooler, Sun and Cloud

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