Monday 31 August 2015

Snoozing and Socialising

I'm actually writing this on 10th October and can't believe that it's been so long that I've let things slip. Been busy.
Went in to see the lawyer to sign some papers and then had a coffee before going for the bus. Chatted to a couple of Australian tourists while waiting andended up getting a lift back with Roger and Angela.
Spent the afternoon doing stuff on the computer for the association to fill the time before going to a party at this morning's chauffeurs' house. We were primarily Brits in attendance but there were 9 French, a South African, a Bolivian, an American, a German and a Laotian. Music from our era was provided by Kevin on the guitar. Food was good and there was plenty of it.
30°, rain overnight which woke me up at 3am

Met up with Nicole, Martine, Nancy and Annie at the bar for a coffee and chat. Already the nucleus of a women's group (?) but that's for October. Luckily, the wind didn' arrive until later so we had the benefit of the soothing sound of the fountain.
Turning down two invitations to go out this afternoon, I've just spent the rest of the day before screens of different sizes and finally the eye wash seems to be having an effect. Eyes are less red and not runing so much.
29°,  Sun and windy

Went off to the market  courtesy of Michel this morning which meant I could have a later start than getting the bus. Came back with him too. There were noticeably less people pushing their way around and I bumped into less folk that I knew too. That is with the exception of Anne, who I hadn't seen for, I don't know, maybe 3 years or so. Not sure why we lost contact. Of course, the news of Christian's death came as a huge shock to her. Anyway, she was keen to renew contact so we'll see how that goes.
A longer snooze than usual after lunch was a wise move as there was an invite to Jean-Jacques to help him deal with a jeraboam of red wine from his sister's vineyard that has now more or less been sold. Chantal, Jean-Marie, Nancy, Nany and André were also there but sad to say, we didn't make much of a dent into it. But, before that he opened a bottle of  "Yquem" Sauternes from his sister's wine stock, known to everyone but Nancy and myself as being top notch. Of course, it was accompanied by some foie gras.
Die-hards that we are, Nancy and I carried on down to the bar afterwards to listen to a group playing Dixie music. Lots of people there having a good time. Feeling tired and still with sore eyes, for the second time I drank hot milk. The temporay waitress was a little thrown by this unusual night time order but as we know, the customer is always right.
29°, Sun

In need of a boost, I took myself over to the "beautician's" Des anyone know a better term? It just doesn't sit right. Anyway, had my nails painted bright red and a bit of chat. From there it was over to the bar to meet Françoise to discuss organising a couple of days away in Provence. As Françoise left, Nancy arrived and we had a glass of rosé together. She then treaed me to lunch. Sensible soul that I am, I had just a main course of calf's liver garnished with figs which was absolutely delicious. Red blood cells were happy.
While there, I came to the aid of one of the workers who will be staffing reception in the new "Maison pour Tous", by doing some interpreting and found myself offering to do some English with him and his colleague.
A snooze followed, then a quick rummage in the wardrobe to find a dress that would fit my new slim shape to look the part at the opening of an exhibition in the village.
After the apéro, some of us wandered down to the bar to continue the evening until about 10.30pm when there was only Jean-Jacques and myself left. We decided to have just a starter of goat's cheese salad washed down with water, which turned out to be my second free meal of the day!
27°, Sun and cloud

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