Friday 7 August 2015

In Memorium

Went into town with Michel and my lovely bank manager sorted out some things for me even though I didn't have an appointment and there were others waiting. Had a coffee, did a bit of shopping after which Michel dropped me off at Maggie's for lunch. Of course, he was invited in for an apéro of champagne and of coure, ended up staying for lunch. Lunch was the most delicious fillet of beef and had been arranged as a belated birthday treat so there were candles on the cake, presents and cards. A lovely surprise.
Arrived home for  about 5pm and had just enough time for a wee
rest before going out to the bar to eat again!
To put you in the picture, for the last few years Christian has sponsored a musical evening in the village. This time it was Latino/gypsy music and part of the musicians' contract is being fed. Carmen, Martine and I ate with them. Really nice blokes , they wouldn't even let me pay for their cd. There was a mention for Christian from Carmen at the beginning of the concert and he would have been so pleased by the music and the obvious pleasure that it gave to the audience. People are right; he was a generous man.
Ended the evening having a nightcap in the bar with the Normandy "twins" and Agnes's cousin, Philippe.
30° Sunny, cloud and a very light breeze later

The Thursday usual starting with the language exchange where there  were just a handful of us. Jean-Pierre had brought some poetry that he'd translated. One, "Nathalie" that spoke of departed love made me shed a few tears as I changed the name  to Christian. An apéritif at the bar lifted my mood and cooking down some tomatoes to use in chutney this afternoon brought me back to earth.
This evening we had our regular apérobio and once again were well served with all kinds of tapas that brought envious looks from the people at the next table who were told that they were pre-ordered and not therefore available. Pays to be regulars, eh?
29° Sunny

Left on the bus at 9am and was home by 10.20am which was not bad going at all. It was hot walking from the bus stop; a walk that was longer than usual as the normal stop in the centre of the village was not in use due to road works resulting in the road being closed. The village has been chaos and the latest spectator sport for the bar regulars has been to watch tourists and others finding themselves in unknown territory without a clue where to go. There have been loads of signs saying that the main road through the village was closed and that there were diversions in place but the French are an anarchic lot and think that they don't apply to them. Residents complain of the increased traffic that's been roaring down the narrow streets but Jean-Louis from the bar is happy that people who would normally drive through have discovered what the centre has to offer.
I spent the afternoon quietly before going to José and Violette's for dinner with other people from the Mairie. I learned that in fact that it had been organised in Christian's memory. Another tear when he was toasted rolled quietly down my cheek. On the funny side, out of 11 people around the table, there were 3 wigs present. What are the odds for that happening?
Hot and Sunny

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