Sunday 9 August 2015

Staying Local

Coffee and chat at the bar before lunch of pheasant casserole. Quiet afternoon until it was time to prepare some tapas for Jean, Françoise, Jacques, Kathy and Jeaneau. At about 9pm we wandered over to the bar where there was some music and met up with Martine. As usual, there were a good number of Brits in the audience and whatever anyone thinks of the expat presence, at least our expats support village events and spend their money!
26° sun and cloud

Didn't bother doing battle at the market and just contented myself with doing a few domestic chores. As a reward, after taking the rubbish up to the bins (no personal bins here) I stopped off at the bar where I met twins Annie and Violette and joined them for a coffee. Also met Michel on his way back from doing a stint at the village library and said "yes" to his invite to help eat up left overs.
The threatened rain came in this afternoon and gave the ground a well needed soaking. As a consequence, this evening's moules/frites and disco was cancelled. not that I'd intended going anyway.
I finally got the chutney done and had another go at trying to put my ebooks back on the ipod. Failed miserably.
Finally gave up well after midnight and went to bed.
26° Rain (yippee!), cool

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