Thursday 27 August 2015

Off to a Good Start

No Thérèse this morning as she's  on holiday but I can't say that I've been making much mess, so I didn't feel the need to replace her.
Went to the language exchange but left a little early to go to Monique's for lunch. She and her husband Roland live in a stand alone mas in the mountains. Beautiful spot but where does one go for coffee? I'd never met Roland, who's a pretty serious kind of bloke before. Chicken cooked in a solar oven was on the menu and I have to say I had a few uneasy moments when Monique said it had been sitting in the sun for over 24 hours. Glad to say, there were no undesirable effects!
In the evening there was an apéritif dinatoire at Michel's along with the neighbours from his street. It was a late evening; too late for me really as I as suffering with sore eyes pretty much like conjunctivitis. so, it was a good start activitywise that continued but wellbeingwise, it can only get better.
29°, Sun

 Slept through until 8am which is unusual and as there was nothing special planned, I lindered on until 10am. The bar being closed, I went to the restaurant for a coffee (offered by the patronne). People tend not to use it as a café so I sat in splendid isolation on the terrace reading on the ipod until it was time to go home and sort out some lunch.
In the afternoon; I went over to he Mairie to talk to Carmen about the women's group and she thought it was a good idea. on the domestic front I defrosted the fridge and worked my way through the laundry. Well, someone's got to do it.
28° Sun

Made a special effort and went to an association committe meeting to help plan the forthcoming AGM. Just as boring as ever so no regrets about  only being an occasional  attender.
Had lunch at André and Nany's. My goodness can she cook; as usual it was a Catalan culinary delight.
The apéritif came with little dishes of escalivade and esqueixada
Then there was a starter of baby roast peppers stuffed with "brandade", a cod and olive oil purée with a light red pepper sauce. The main course was a Catalan version of "bouillabaise". Cheese, of course, came next with home made fig jam for the hard cheeses and cumin seeds for the soft ones.
You might not believe it but we then found room for a dessert or should I say desserts. Caramel egg custard, baby meringues, poached white peaches and chantilly. Rounded the whole meal off with a bottle of champagne, arriving home for a wee snooze at 4.15pm to be ready to go out later on.
Just about summoned up enough energy to go to the last local nocturnal market with Nicole. Finished the evening off taking tea for Nicole and a beer for me which we made last a good length of time while listening to music. We're joined at the end of our stay by Hortense and her friend Hella and had some chat with the British choir who were staying in the hotel above the terrace. I was quite glad when Nicole said she had to get back for her B and B guests but even so it was midnight when I fell into bed.
30° Sunny and very warm

The car went off this morning to have the window repaired and MOT done in order to sell as well as possible.
On a personal level, I telephoned to get my UK pensions transferred to France and what an easy affair that was. Two charming young women dealt with my request in a straight forward manner. France could really learn a thing or two about decluttering bureaucracy. Still, it keeps people in jobs, I suppose.
Michel came around to do a bit more on the computer for me so now the printer is functioning even though copies come out skew-wiffed! Arrived a little late, as a consequence at the bar for our regular apérobio. The chef remarked when I was booking that these evenings are getting closer together and that our numbers are growing! This time we were joined by Ann's friend Carol. A real good spread was set before us and of course, we made a sterling effort to do it justice.
By the way, I haven't shrunk just squatting down.

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