Sunday 15 May 2016

Looking not Buying

Coffee at the bar with Nicole S and Nicole V, Anne and Yasmin. Nicole P was a no-show so it doesn't look as if the distance between her and Nicole S will be soon mended. Found out later that she had friends turn up unexpectedly. (?)
The usual 3 of us stayed on for a bite to eat before going down to the recreation ground for the "Vide Grenier" or carboot sale if you prefer, postponed from last week. Despite the lovely weather, there weren't many stalls there and what there was, was a load of old tat. It's amazing what folk trundle backwards and forwards in the hope of a sale. I've taken far better stuff to the rubbish dump. Still, for those of you who have been to "the Barrows" in Glasgow, you'll know that a wide scale of taste and need exists.
Feeling tired, I came home and changed my viewing habits by opting for French "catch up" which left me wondering why I'd ever abandoned it.
20°, Sun

Went to the market with Nicole who unlike Michel didn't leave me to go our seperate ways. Met up with Hortense at the 'GF' café where we were later joined by Mags, a really nice Scottish woman. Aren't they all? I hear Maureen and my other friends from la belle Écosse say. As usual, I didn't buy a thing, not even any flowers as the ones I bought last week are still going strong
A trip to Lidl, a little way our of town and the rest of the day at home. Calm is good ....... sometimes.
19°, Sun

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