Saturday 7 May 2016


Went off to the market with Michel this morning and called into a vernissage where I met Eliane a really nice woman that I'd met at a vernissage in the village. Despite my still - hoarse throat we chatted for ages until a bloke (photographer) muscled in to ask about exhibition space. My ears pricked up when he told me that he did talks too as I know Erika is wanting to develop that side of things in Christian's room but a part from that he was a bit of a bore.
Met Michel again later at the bar for tea as Eve had asked if he could give some tips about Roumanian food given that he's just back from there. They've had the good idea of doing a meal from the country of France's opponents each time they play in the European cup. France are also scheduled to play Albania in this first round. Who knows what they'll come up with.
In the evening Jean-Jacques did dinner for Jean, Françoise, Terry , Anne and myself. Very tasty duck legs and sautéd potatoes.
18° dry with occasional sunny spell

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