Thursday 26 May 2016

In the Sticks

Thursday and that means .... come on, by now you regular readers and I'm assured there are a few,  should have the response on the tip of the tongue .... but if you're new to "Chitchat" I'll tell you that Thursday is language exchange day. Nothing wildly exciting to report; why do you think I've made a meal of the introduction! Afterwards some of us went as usual to the café for a drink and the diehards stayed on for a bite to eat. Home for 3pm, managing a short rest before getting myself out again for 5pm to go with Yasmin for drinks at Jim and Mags, a really nice Scottish couple who live outside the village surrounded by nature. Thought a photo of their neighbours would be more interesting than one of the same old faces drinking wine and munching on nibbles!
22°, Cloud, drizzle with sun later

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