Friday 27 May 2016

Mission Accomplished!

Coffee first and then over the border with JJ and his son who is here for a few days. This was a cava buying trip with lunch afterwards. Both missions were successful. We were warmly welcomed at the cave (me with kisses from both of the assisstants who were unusually there together) but turned down the offer of a tasting. Well, both JJ and myself know it well!
With 20 minutes in hand before our reservtion at the restaurant, we stopped off in Espolla for a wee walk and photo stop. You'll recognise the view as last Sunday's photo with Nicole  was taken here too.
Lunch overlooking the pool (JJ's treat) at "La Plaça was, as usual excellent.
Home in time to bump into my neighbour Gérard who gave me a couple of ceps for an omelette and Nicole P who was just back from a day trip to Carcassonne with the association. Needless to say, we headed for the bar for a report of the day over a glass of rosé.
24° Warm and sunny

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