Sunday 1 May 2016

Looking for Luck

It was strange not to have a sprig of lily-of-the-valley from Christian this morning. Traditionally, it brings goog luck. Had to make do with a rainbow which was visible from the bedroom window instead. Today is also a public holiday and being labour day, there was no newspaper. went as usual to the bar for coffe and met up with Nicole S and Anne. Françoise joined us and much to our delight(!) gave us a lecture on land rights in France. Rainbow obviously hadn't kicked in. Left Anne and Nicole to it as I was invited chez Henri and Michèle for lunch where a sprig of lily-of-the-valley awaited me. Home late afternoon and stayed infront of the telly this evening nursing a very sore throat. Do I hear you cry "coratge"?
Heavy, low cloud with gusts of wind up to 111km/h

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