Monday 15 August 2016

Take it Easy Weekend

15.8.16: Dimanche Bis*
 Today is a public holiday (Feast day of the Assumption) and the other village in the commune has its "Festa Major". Didn't want to spend the whole day out in the heat, so just hung around. Coffeee followed by lunch at the café with Nicole S. Spent the afternoon working on the computer.
* Another Sunday
28° but feeling much hotter. Low cloud start, blue skies with a short cloud burst and distant thunder in the afternoon

14.8.16: Keep Calm and Carry On!
For reason unknown, I had a surge of energy and swept the patio before breakfast while it was still cool. Over to the bar as usual for coffee with Nicole S, Rosie and Jo. Nicole and myself stayed on for lunch and were joined by Nany and André, Martine and Gilles. I ordered rabbit for my main course, something which always surprises the French. For them, the "English" as well as being perfidious are squeamish eaters. Well into the meal, Nany fainted and was out for quite a while. Luckily André is a doctor and reassured us that it was a drop in blood pressure and no need to be unduly concerned. He had come on his bike so it was Gilles that took her home once she'd come round. André left, Gilles came back and we carried on to dessert.
29°, sun

13.8.16: Taking Flight!
Couldn't be bothered to go and fight my way around the market so just contened myself with a coffee at the bar in the morning, trying to make inroads into a blog catch up in the afternoon and then an evening of music back at the bar.  Jany and Patrick invited me to sit with them, later to be joined by Nicole V. The music was relaxing, varied and just right for a warm summer's evening.
Also enjoying a warm summer's evening was a wasp that had found its way into my bedroom. Failed to swat it so went downstairs and slept on the sofa. Could have used one of the bedrooms but with visitors coming, I didn't want to make extra work. In any case, the sofa's big and surprisingly comfortable. Come the morning, there was no sign of my stripy friend who'd presumably departed through one of the open windows.
27°, sun

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