Thursday 11 August 2016

The Sun Continues to Shine

11.8.16: Musical Chairs
Had to get myself moving this morning as I was responsible for the language exchange. As usual, headed straight for the café at the end for a glass of rosé.
Just fritted away the time in the afternoon and then went back over in the evening to listen to music. Nicole P didn't arrive so I found myself joining Nicole V, Jim and Mags and Yasmin . Was later joined by friend, Margaret's son Tomas and his partner, Sarah who are here on holiday. It's nice to have some young, energetic company. Karin and Jurgen then took up the seats that the British crowd left and oh dear, the former was the worse for wear. She confided that she had lots on her plate so it seems there's another woman needing support.

10.8.16: Nowt!
 Coffee with Yasmin. Backed up more photos and cleaned some copper. What a sad state of affairs when I find such mundanity of note!
27°, sun and wind

9.8.16: Mediterranean Delights
Went into town on the bus to meet Anne (or Golden Anne, as Mum calls her) for a coffee. Lots to tell me about the flat that she and her fella have just bought in Cyprus. Had a lift home with Marylyse and Domi.
This evening JJ, Jean and Françoise came for an apéritif . For their delictation :
Gazpacho topped with chorizo, chopped green peppers and hard boiled egg
Beetroot Dip with toasted Cumin and Sesame Seeds with Rcotta and Chives accompanied by crisps and bread sticks
Chick Peas, tuna cream with preserved lemon, gherkins and basil verrine
Cherry Tomatoes
Smoked Salmon on Cream Cheese Toasts
Warm Figs and Goat's Cheese
Cava and Pineau de Charente
Yes, I know people always pour scorn on bloggers who report on what they eat and drink as being of no interest but this is an aide memoire for me, so I shall continue; you dear reader are not forced to read it! xxx
28°, sun

8.8.16: So long, Marianne
It was hot last night which made sleeping difficult though today's breeze helps a little. Met Nicole P for a coffee then spent the afternoon putting my photos onto an external disc as the laptop is about to give up on me. Time consuming but needs must.
This evening the Mairie put on a film in the open air. Typical summer box office success but it didn't tempt me to do more than wander over at the interval to say "hello" to a few folk.
Oh dear! That's two nights in a row that I've not made an effort to participate. I'll need to keep an eye on myself.
32°, sun
Reports of Marianne's death came in. She who inspired Leonard Cohen's song of the same name. Remember hearing it for the first time when I was at Uni and was hooked.
His letter to her just before she lost consciousness was reported in the press etc. It's so beautiful but that's  not surprising as Lenny is nothing if not a poet.
It said, "well Marianne it’s come to this time when we are really so old and our bodies are falling apart and I think I will follow you very soon. Know that I am so close behind you that if you stretch out your hand, I think you can reach mine."
“And you know that I’ve always loved you for your beauty and your wisdom, but I don’t need to say anything more about that because you know all about that. But now, I just want to wish you a very good journey. Goodbye old friend. Endless love, see you down the road.”
It was reported that she actually did stretch out her hand.

7.8.16: lunching and Lazing
Usual Sunday gathering at the café for our Sunday coffeee: 3 Nicoles, Rosie and Françoise. Stayed for a lunch of steak and veg (resisted the chips) then came home to iron and watch tv. Didn't bother going back for the music as this hot weather is really an energy zapper.
32°, sun

6.8.16: tapas overlooking the Sea
went into the bank as my code has not yet arrived. a second request was sent even though the first one was supposed to have been sent on 29th. Met up with Françoise over coffee and then went for the 11am bus but .... isn't there always a but? The 11am bus has now become the 12.10pm bus. Not wanting to hang around until then, I went in search of a lift from Nick and Lizzie. They were just about to leave so for once my luck was in.
More chores and then unexpectedly, Françoise phoned to invite me down to Argelès for a stroll and apéritif overlooking the marina. Now, that's what I call a just reward!
Every summer there are large panels showing photos relating to flora, fauna, landscapes and people. This year the theme was "des hommes et des îles". Great! A bit of culture, a bit of exercise then a bit of relaxation. Tapas and apéros by way of a belated birthday treat.
On coming back to the village, even though it was about 10pm, I wasn't ready to sleep so put in an appearance at the disco that was going on at the park. Joined Rosie who was on her own; drank some rosé, chatted a lot and even danced a bit.
31° sunny, still windy

5.8.16: Photos and Politics
Bit of a later start this morning; must have been a reaction to yesterday's cleaning!  As always went for a coffee and met up with Martine, JJ and his house guests. Spent the afternoon doing more chores.
This evening it was back to JJ's along with Jean and Françoise but before heading over, we took time to visit the latest exhibition in Christian's room. On show were photos of urban /industrial objects. I particular these two. In case you can't work it out, one is of tyres, the other is a view up the inside of a pylon.
This time it was Yaneth who organised the meal and everyone contributed to the conversation which of course revolved around politics both at a local and national level!
29°, sunny, Tramontane blowing.

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