Thursday 25 August 2016

Burning off the Calories

25.8.16: Speaking in Tongues
Treadmill and Spanish again first thing. This really is a record for me. There's so much more time to do things when you get up earlier, isn't there? Was in the process of doing some emails when Michel phoned to say that he was going to the market in Figueres; so, of course I leapt at the chance. There was time to spend nearly half an hour at the language exchange first and do you know what? I didn't feel guilty about shooting off early. Spanish, French, English in the space of 3 hours!
Traffic was quite heavy going over the border so it was 11.45am by the time we arrived and found a parking spot. Still, going was more for the pleasure of getting out and wandering around buying fruit and veg at a fraction of the price you'd pay here. If you can make them out, the yellow bags hanging up on the photo are full of snails.
We had lunch next to the market on the terrace of a small café. Three courses and half a lager for 7€50!!! The food was simple but very good. I had veg lasagne for my main course which was delicious. So much for keeping off dairy products.
Attended a public council meeting this evening after which I retired to the bar with JJ, Matine and Jean-Marie  for a glass of rosé. The best thing, however, is that the blog is now up to date! Yippee!

30°, clear blue skies, warm wind

24.8.16: Same 'ol
Treadmill and Spanish, coffee at the bar, more research for the Scottish trip, had a look at the translation, my own admin and not much else.
32°, sunny and hot in the warm wind coming up from North Africa.

23.8.16: Scarlet Pimpernel
Made the same start to the day as yesterday and worked on the blog until it was time to walk over to Marguerite's for lunch. Also invited were Christian and Trudy. Lingered over champage and nibbles before starting the meal with this splendid fellow. Didn't arrive home until about 4pm when I set to and prepared some tapas for JJ and Michel this evening after their council team meeting. In fact, Michel didn't stay too long as was invited elsewhere. Just back from a month's holiday, he's off in two weeks for another month. He's just so elusive, you need to get in quick with any invitation or make do with a fleeting glimpse. Thankfully, JJ is more consistent.
28°, sunny

22.8.16: Beware of Friends Bearing Teapots!
The start of a new week and I'm resolved to try and get more exercise. Leapt out of bed as soon as the alarm went off at 7.20am, plugged myself into my ipod to listen to my Spanish lessons and did over an hour on the treadmill! So far so good.
Went out for my usual coffee at the end of the moning and was later joined by JJ who's just back from holiday. Caught up over a glass of rosé.
This afternoon, I had a surprise invition over to Annie's  for tea. She came and picked me up and we sat in her garden for a while before going inside for tea. This photo is the view from her back garden. Makes a change from my usual ones of people eating. After a while Annie (an English teacher at the local secondary school) brought out a translation that she was correcting for an ex-student and asked me to go over it. Next thing I knew she was going to send me the originals to translate so she could compare our two versions. Not sure how it all happened as it's the last thing that interests me but I was too much of a wimp to refuse. Oh dear, I can feel another case of procrastination coming on.
31°, sunny and hot

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