Wednesday 31 August 2016

Lots of Work, too tired to Play

31.8.16: Last Lap
Cleaned all morning and, took a break for coffee at 11.20 then restarted after lunch working through until 4pm about an hour before Jim, Cecelia, Elizabeth, Matt, Katie and Charlotte arrived. Really friendly, easy to get on with people who didn't need telling twice to make themselves at home. Fortunately there wasn't any expectation to feed them as Nick and Lizzie had organised meals out and I told them the kitchen and store cupboard was theirs if they wanted to eat in at anytime.
Made them welcome and settled them in before we all went off in our separate directions. They to Céret, me to Nicole S's for dinner with Anne, Mike and Linda; but my goodness, I was too tired to sparkle using what little energy I had left, to try and avoid (unsuccessfully) things that go bite in the night. I did manage, however,  to get up from my seat to take this photo of the sunset.
28°, sun

30.8.16: Appreciating Thérèse more by the minute!
Treadmill and more cleaning which was interrupted by a call from Nicole who wanted to unburden so I went over to the bar earlier than planned to have a coffee with her. She left and the other Nicole arrived. JJ arrived later and joined us for a rosé. Home for lunch and then another stint working hard and it's still not finished. Well, it is a big house.
Prepared tapas for JJ and Michel who came by after their meeting. Was I  feeling pleased that all this graft was nearly over? You can bet your life I was!
28°, sun

29.8.16: Mop and Bucket at the ready
Intellectual chore finished, it was now time to roll up my sleeves to get the place presentable for my visitors who are arriving on Wednesday. Two couples, a 14 and 4 year old whom I don't know are billeted with me for the wedding of friends' daughter. Self imposed pressure was on to have the place spotless including the copper; I kid you not. Supermarket with Colin and Lynn to get for breakfast stuff etc followed by a long coffee nearby. Cleaned and cleaned and cleaned all afternoon. Oh yes, I did a stint on the treadmill too. Gave Roger's party a miss too even though this time we weren't expected to bring our own meal. All I wanted was to put my feet up and watch the telly.
26°, low cloud to start, sun later and rain in the evening

28.8.16: Nose to the Grind, Episode 2
Apparently God rested on the 7th day; me, mere mortal that I am have needed two days respite from the treadmill! However, that doesn't mean that I was completely idle. Made a gentle start; had a lie in reading the papers to the sound of the church bell calling  folk to Mass and then went over to the bar for my coffee. All three Nicole's were absent so I ended up staying for lunch with Germaine and Marie-Louise. Came home and spent several hours finishing the translation. Never again!
I had been invited to a BBQ this evening but being confronted with a request to take my own meat, a salad or dessert to share and something to drink, I thought blow that and after doing my head in over the translation, an evening in the company of a load of Brits didn't appeal.
29°, sun, heavy cloud burst in the evening

27.8.16: Nose to the Grind
Have decided that the treadmill should rest at the weekends so no need to leap out of bed this morning. Today marks the mass exodus of families that have been here on holiday as schools starting  up again next week. The market was still busy though and Michel had difficulty finding a parking place.
Not able, in all conscience to put it off any longer, I attacked the translation for nearly 7 hours, disliking and begrudging every minute of it.
29°, sun

26.8.16: Tales from the Bar
Well, so much for being up to date. It's now 7th September and I'm on another catch up! Anyway, let's go bac:k in time......
Started again with the treadmill; you've no idea of the pleasure that it gives me to write that! Coffee came afterwards with Nicole P at the bar and  ******* !!!! I was stung on the arm by a wasp and did I scream! It's not my imagination but there are definitely more about this year. Eve, took out the sting straight away  and I shot off to the chemist for a cream to calm it down.  That's not all; engrossed in what had happened to me, Jean-Marie fell over a chair leg and cut his knee. As things calmed down, some municipal workers arrived to install two cycle racks. Remains to be seen if cars leave free access free  and  if indeed people do use them instead of propping bikes against the fountain.
Another lunch at the restaurant with David and Laura followed, in theory to go over the Scottish trip. Across the square we could see fun and games at the bar; a set of bookshelves was being hoisted up the front of the building to go in through one of the windows as the stairs were too narrow. At the end a broom was put underneath to push it up the last little bit. As you can see from the photo, it was all a bit precarious.
Came home to find a bag of tomatoes hung on the door (just like "A Year in Provence", if you know Peter Mayle's book). Went back to the bar for an apéro and what do you know? Someone parked his tractor right up against the bike rack and someone else brought their bike onto the terrace rather than use the other rack. All so predicable! Came home to water the plants in the dark.
29°, sun

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